Marc Frilet

Odvetniška družba Frilet, Pariz, Francija

 Marc Frilet je vrhunski francoski strokovnjak za infrastrukturo, koncesije in javno-zasebna partnerstva. Odvetniška družba Frilet, ki je v lasti Marca Frileta, je ena vodilnih francoskih odvetniških družb, ki delujejo na področjih gradnje, infrastrukture in rudarstva. Tako na nacionalni kot tudi na mednarodni ravni je Marc Frilet znan kot eden najbolj usposobljenih svetovalcev in kot eden največjih poznavalcev teh panog. Zaradi njegovih dosežkov ga je pravni vodnik »Kdo je kdo v pravnem svetu« že večkrat imenoval za najboljšega odvetnika s področja gradnje, infrastrukture in rudarstva, zlasti v zvezi z izvajanjem koncesij in projektov javno-zasebnega partnerstva. Pravni strokovnjaki s področja gradbeništva so Marca Frileta leta 2014 počastili z nazivom gradbeni odvetnik leta v Franciji.

Marc Frilet je bil sprva več let dejaven član francoske odvetniške družbe Bureau Francis Lefebvre, med drugim tudi v funkciji partnerja in vodje kompleksnega projektnega oddelka v mednarodnem oddelku. Nato se je odločil za nov izziv. Leta 1998 je ustanovil lastno odvetniško družbo, s poudarkom na svetovanju in upravljanju pogodb znotraj kompleksnega področja mednarodnega rudarstva, infrastrukturnih koncesij in projektov javno-zasebnih partnerstev. Zaradi bogatih izkušenj in podrobnega strokovnega znanja lahko Marc Frilet pomaga številnim javnim in zasebnim strankam med začetkom in razvojem pogosto velikih in kompleksnih projektov koncesij in javno-zasebnih partnerstev. Hkrati se zna spretno izogniti sporom oziroma je pri njihovem reševanju zelo vešč, kar zagotavlja uspešen razvoj projekta.

Poleg bogatih izkušenj s področja gradbeništva in infrastrukture Marc Frilet sodeluje tudi pri organizaciji seminarjev in konferenc po vsem svetu, redno pa nastopa kot predavatelj strokovnjak. Njegove dejavnosti so pogosto s področij mednarodnih koncesij in projektov javno-zasebnega partnerstva, mednarodnih naročil, sodnih postopkov in drugih.

Poleg tega je avtor številnih člankov o rudarstvu, javnih naročilih, koncesijah in javno-zasebnih partnerstvih, metodah razširjanja dobrih praks, sodnih sporov, primerjalnega prava v Franciji in na mednarodni ravni, zlasti v frankofonski Afriki ter Latinski Ameriki. Redno objavlja v nekaterih najbolj priznanih in cenjenih svetovnih akademskih revijah in revijah za pravno prakso. Tako ni naključje, da je Marc po Mednarodnem seznamu kdo je kdo med gospodarskimi odvetniki že več kot deset let »eden najbolj cenjenih posameznikov« na mednarodni ravni, še zlasti v gradbeništvu.

 Njegova edinstvena mešanica strokovnega znanja s področja javnega in zasebnega sektorja, ki jo je razvijal v več kot dvajsetih državah, je pomemben prispevek k mednarodnemu gibanju za razvoj okvirnih predpisov in standardov na področju koncesij in javno-zasebnih partnerstev. Ta njegov položaj je dosegel vrhunec z njegovo vodilno vlogo pri ustanavljanju Francoskega inštituta mednarodnih pravnih strokovnjakov (Institut Français d’Experts Juridiques Internationaux – IFEJI), katerega podpredsednik je, in pri Združenju mednarodnih pogodbenih izvajalcev (Confederation of International Contractors' Associations – CICA), ter Mednarodnega središča odličnosti Združenih narodov za koncesije in javno-zasebna partnerstva (UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence) za področje »politik, zakonov in institucij«, maja 2015.

Marc Frilet

Frilet Société d’Avocats, Paris, France

Marc Frilet’s law firm Frilet Société d’Avocats is considered as one of the leading French law firms operating within the construction, infrastructure and mining domains. Both nationally and internationally, Marc Frilet is known as one of the most skilled and knowledgeable lawyers within these domains. He is continuously recognized for his achievements by the legal guide Who’s Who Legal who listed him several times as a go-to lawyer for construction, infrastructure and mining, especially in regards to the implementation of concession and PPP projects. Most recently, Marc Frilet was honored as the construction lawyer of the year 2014 in France by the Construction Law Experts.


After being an active member of the French law firm Bureau Francis Lefebvre for several years, including the position of partner and head of the complex project division within the international department, Marc Frilet decided to embark on a new venture. He founded his own law firm in 1998, focusing his efforts on advisory work and contract management within the complex area of international mining, infrastructure Concessions and PPP Projects. As a result of his extensive experience and elaborate expertise, Marc Frilet is able to assist many public and private clients during the inception and development of oftentimes large and complex Concessions and PPP projects, while ensuring a successful development of the project through is excellent dispute avoidance and resolution skills.

Besides his extensive experience in the construction and infrastructure domain, Marc Frilet also co-organizes seminars and conferences worldwide, while regularly participating as an expert speaker. His engagements often cover topics such as international concession and PPP projects, international procurement, litigation and others.

Moreover, he has written numerous articles on mining, public procurement, Concessions and PPPs, methods to disseminate good practices, litigation, comparative law in France and internationally, particularly Francophone Africa and Latin America. His regularly published in some of the world’s most recognized and known journals and magazines for law practice. Thus, it is not a coincidence that for more than 10 years according to The International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers, Marc is “one of the most highly regarded individuals” internationally, especially in the construction domain.

His unique blend of expertise both with the public and private sector developed within more than twenty countries has been an important contribution to the international movement for the development of framework regulations and standards in the Concession and PPP area. This role has culminated with his leading participation to the creation by IFEJI, where he is vice president, and the Confederation of International Contractors’ Associations (CICA) of the UN International Centre of Excellence for Concessions and PPP ‘Policies, Laws and Institutions’ in May 2015.