Branko Cepuran

Evropska investicijska banka
Višji funkcionar za posojila – strukturirane finančne instrumente

Branko CEPURAN se je Evropski investicijski banki pridružil leta 2004. Je višji funkcionar za posojila na oddelku EIB »Operacije – Jadransko morje – javni sektor Slovenija/Hrvaška in Zahodni Balkan«. Pred tem je več let deloval pri projektu EIB za financiranje projektov za Srednjo in Jugovzhodno Evropo in bil odgovoren za financiranje strukturiranih finančnih transakcij, financiranje energetskih in infrastrukturnih projektov ter dejavnosti javno-zasebnega partnerstva v prometnem in zdravstvenem sektorju.

Pred tem je bil zaposlen pri Bayerische HypoVereinsbank AG v Münchnu in WestLB v Düsseldorfu, kjer je delal kot strokovnjak za projekte in izvozne finance.

Rojen je bil v Sloveniji, srednjo šolo in poklicno usposabljanje v bančništvu pa je končal v Nemčiji. Na Univerzi v Kölnu v Nemčiji je pridobil MBA.

Branko Cepuran

European Investment Bank
Senior Loan Officer - Structured Finance

Branko CEPURAN joined the European Investment Bank in 2004. 
He is a senior loan officer in EIB’s department “Operations - Adriatic Sea – Public Sector Slovenia/Croatia and Western Balkans”. Prior to this, Branko spent a number of years in EIB’s project finance team for Central and South East-Europe and was responsible for structured finance transactions, power and infrastructure project financings as well as PPP operations in the transport and health care sector.

He was previously with Bayerische HypoVereinsbank AG, Munich and WestLB, Düsseldorf, where he worked as a project- and export finance expert.

Born in Slovenia, he graduated from high school and completed his vocational training in banking in Germany. He has achieved a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Cologne, Germany.