Prof. dr. Boris Cizelj je diplomiral je na Univerzi v Ljubljani, magistriral na Inštitutu družbenih znanosti v Haagu, doktoriral pa na Univerzi v Beogradu. Kariero je začel na ljubljanski univerzi, nadaljeval pa kot vodja raziskovalnega centra za države v razvoju v Ljubljani. Bil je veleposlanik SFRJ v Avstraliji in slovenski v EU in NATO v Bruslju, kjer je od 1999 do septembra 2014 vodil edino slovensko lobistično pisarno v Bruslju – Slovensko gospodarsko in raziskovalno združenje (SGRZ), kjer je sedaj član uprave. Ima široko znanje s področja lobiranja, pogajalskih tehnik in komuniciranja z vplivnimi javnostmi, ter o teh temah redno predava in piše doma in v tujini. Koordiniral je več evropskih projektov, formiral nekaj evropskih mrež (NIROC, EREF, RIBN) in sedaj vodi globalno mrežo Knowledge Economy Network (KEN) s sedežem v Bruslju.
Professor Boris Cizelj, Ph.D., graduated from the University of Ljubljana, received a master's degree at the Institute of Social Sciences in The Hague, and received his Ph.D. from the University of Belgrade. He started his career at the University of Ljubljana and continued as a head of the research center for developing countries in Ljubljana. He was Ambassador of the SFRY in Australia and Slovenian Ambassador to the EU and NATO in Brussels, where he operated the only Slovenian lobbying office in Brussels from 1999 to September 2014 – the Slovenian Economic and Research Association (SGRZ) – and where he is now a member of the management board. He has extensive knowledge in the field of lobbying, negotiation techniques, and communication with the influential public. He regularly lectures and writes about these topics in Slovenia and abroad. He coordinated several European projects, formed several European networks (NIROC, EREF, RIBN) and is now running Knowledge Economy Network (KEN), a global network based in Brussels.